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Catalog rules

  • Items (e.g. references to web sites) are placed in the Catalog free-of-charge.
  • Placement of Return links to the corresponding pages in the catalog is not required, but items with return links will be placed at more prominent positions in the catalog.
  • Links to the sites shall be provided as direct text links. Anchor texts of the links should contain detailed descriptions of the sites they are referring to.
  • Multiple listings of the same site are permitted when each link is directed to a unique page (with its own unique content) on this site.
  • The catalog is moderated. The items in the catalog are added after a certain period (no longer than 20 days) to allow for inspection and cross-check by the moderation.
Acceptance criteria:
  • Submitted sites must contain information relevant to the main theme of the catalog.
Requirements for descriptions of the items:
  • The heading should not exceed 100 characters.
  • Heading shall not contain words typed in capital letters, unless these are abbreviations.
  • The hading shall provide sufficiently detailed description of an item (e.g. content of the web site) being referred to.
  • The description shall be at least 200 and at most 1000 characters long.
Rating of items in the catalogue:
  • Items are placed in sub-sections of the catalog based on their descriptions (and preferences indicated at the time of submission)
  • The order of items within sub-sections is based on their individual ranks, which are obtained based on the following rules:
    • the highest priority has a score assigned to the item by the moderator: items with highest moderator scores are listed on the first page at the top of the list;
    • the second priority has a score calculated based on the number of users referred to the catalog by the reverse link from the site listed in the item; (Attention: the reverse link URL is provided right after registration; you can use it to increase the rank of your listing in the catalog).
    • the third priority is given to a score calculated based on the numbers of clicks received by each of the items in our catalog;
    • the last priority is given to the order in which items were submitted to the catalog.

The editor of the catalog (moderator) reserves the right to change formatting and stylistics of the submitted descriptions to match the standard appearance of records in the catalogue. The administration of the catalog has the right to make changes in these rules.

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